What is Erasmus Mundus Scholarship?

Erasmus Mundus is Europe’s largest and most prestigious scholarship that allows you study your Master’s degree in various institutions throughout Europe. It is a very generous scholarship that covers nearly all costs and is associated with it is a wide and unique set of Joint Master’s degrees. The programs last between 1 to 2 years and you spend each semester in a different ‘programme country’. It will provide you with one or two degree certificates issued by at least two institutions.

Eligibility Requirements
Individuals from Pakistan are welcome to apply as Pakistan is a ‘partner’ country. You must have obtained an undergraduate degree or equivalent and must not have been a prior recipient of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship. There is no age restriction. You also cannot benefit from any other EU-funded scholarship if you receive the Erasmus Mundus scholarship.

When do the applications begin?
The applications begin in October and end as February approaches, the exact dates vary for each program. Nearly every program has only one round of applications.
Perks associated with the scholarship

The EMJMD scholarship covers your tuition fees, provides full insurance coverage and covers any other mandatory costs. It also partly funds your transportation and settlement costs. The exact amount of your scholarship depends upon the length of your program. Non-EU students get a larger scholarship and partner countries receive at least 75% of the total funds available. Your living allowance is approximately 1000 euros a month and you receive an extra 3000 euro grant when you change universities.

The scholarship is truly a multi-cultural experience as you are allowed to take 3 or 4 semesters in different institutions, the last one usually being of your own choosing. The vast majority of the degrees are offered in English.
Universities and programs attached with Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.
There are approximately a hundred programs from several fields such as engineering, economics, law and politics. Many of Europe’s top universities are involved with the program such as LSE, University of Zurich and Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Multiple universities come together to offer one joint Masters’ degrees and receiving certificates from at least two such universities does wonders for your resume.

As stated above, deadlines approach during the end of January and in February. The exact dates depend upon the program.
You can search the catalogue of programs on the EACEA website and find the exact details about each program from that catalogue.